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Pathobiome 2015 : Pathogens in microbiotas in host

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Pathobiome 2015 : Pathogens in microbiotas in host Empty Pathobiome 2015 : Pathogens in microbiotas in host

Message par joyeux_lapin13 Lun 26 Jan 2015 - 5:17

L'école vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort et l'INRA organisent du 24 au 26
juin 2015 un colloque sur les "pathobiomes".

The new “pathobiome” concept represents the pathogenic agent within its
biotic environment. The teams engaged in the study of “pathobiomes”
cover the major groups of pathogens of animals, humans and plants :
viruses, bacteria, fungi and protists. However, there have been only
limited exchanges between teams. The PATHOBIOME congress will provide an
opportunity to assess the state of the art of current research in this
new and exciting cutting edge topic.

Certaines présentations pourront intéresser les bio-informaticiens
faisant de la recherche et de l'analyse de séquences de pathogènes.

Plus d'information et le programme détaillé sur :

Bien cordialement,

Christophe Klopp

= Christophe KLOPP MIAT INRA Toulouse =
= CS 52627 31326 Castanet-Tolosan =
= Tel: 33 5 61 28 50 36 Email: =
= =
= =

Nombre de messages : 1927
Age : 41
Localisation : Mayotte
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2010

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