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Institut Pasteur - Duclaux Auditorium /C3BI Kick-off meeting

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Institut Pasteur - Duclaux Auditorium /C3BI Kick-off meeting Empty Institut Pasteur - Duclaux Auditorium /C3BI Kick-off meeting

Message par joyeux_lapin13 Jeu 5 Mar 2015 - 4:57

Dear All,

We are pleased to invite you to the kick-off meeting of the
Institut Pasteur C3BI. It will be organized in the Duclaux auditorium in
the Institut Pasteur and will start at 9:15. The detailed program is
available at:

Here is a short description:

Scientific research has entered the era of big data: the ability
to analyze, store, share and protect a considerable amount of data
has become a key strategic issue for all world-class research
institutions. The Institut Pasteur has embraced this revolution,
creating the *Center of Bioinformatics, Biostatistics **and
Integrative Biology (C3BI)*. This center aims to facilitate research
and collaborations in bioinformatics between all Institut Pasteur
resources, and to foster the development of novel computational
approaches to biological data analysis and modeling.
The launching of C3BI will take place on *March 16th* in the
*auditorium Duclaux* at Institut Pasteur.
There will be presentations by leading researchers in the field
in the morning, followed by an introduction to the operation of the
center, its organization and its goals in the afternoon. We will
conclude the day with cocktails and plenty of time for discussion.

Best regards,

Olivia Doppelt-Azeroual, PhD
Tel: 92 15
*CIB - C3BI - Institut Pasteur

Nombre de messages : 1927
Age : 40
Localisation : Mayotte
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2010

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